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SMNYC 2024: id3as CMO Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen Talks Norsk, Low-Code, No-Code & 流媒体的过去和未来

At 流媒体纽约2024蒂姆·西格林,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体、采访 Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen,首席营销官, id3as这是一家总部位于英国的软件开发初创公司. 他介绍了挪威语, a live media server with a low code SDK that allows users to build complex, 可伸缩的, 实时流工作流程. Rasmussen predicts a trend towards no-code solutions in the industry and emphasizes the importance of making streaming accessible to non-experts.


Siglin mentions that when he started writing for 流媒体杂志 in 2003, 舒马赫-拉斯穆森是那里的编辑, eventually becoming the 流媒体 Conference Chair, that last year’s 流媒体 East conference in Boston was his final year in that role. 在那之前, Siglin说, 他在id3as担任了一个角色, he asks Schumacher-Rasmussen to describe the company and what it does.

“It's a software development startup based in the UK,舒马赫-拉斯穆森说. “我知道那里的原则, Dom罗宾逊, 艾德里安•罗伊, 史蒂夫·斯特朗, 近20年来, since about the time I started editing your work at 流媒体杂志. And so I joined their company as their Chief Marketing Officer in 2022 and stayed on.”

The new format and feel of 纽约流媒体

Siglin notes that 纽约流媒体 is Schumacher-Rasmussen’s first time at a 流媒体 conference as a visitor. “What are your observations on the show this year?他问道。.

“I think the content of the show is great,舒马赫-拉斯穆森说. “埃文·夏皮罗 has done a terrific job in putting together a new look and new feel and new approach to the industry that I think is really needed. And I think that's reflected by so many new faces that I see here that I've never seen in a 流媒体 show.”


Siglin asks Schumacher-Rasmussen to talk about id3as’s primary product Norsk.

“Norsk is a live media server that comes with a low code SDK that allows users to build very complicated, 非常自定义动态, 可伸缩的, 实时流工作流程 in just a few lines of code,舒马赫-拉斯穆森说. “The team at id3as realize that it's very easy to tell another human being what you want a live streaming workflow to look like. “我有三台SRT摄像机. 我需要做一个多摄像头切换. I want to do a lower third overlay, I want to output to low latency HLS and WebRTC.“我刚才已经告诉你了. 现在试着把这个告诉电脑?

“在NAB,我们推出了 挪威人的工作室, which is a no-code interface that gives you the drag-and-drop canvas to take prebuilt components like an SRT input or a multi-camera switcher, 把它拖出画布, 把这些点连起来, 媒体播放, 去. 但它也是可扩展的, 所以它仍然可以定制,因为, 正如我们的CEO喜欢说的那样, 拖放界面, but no-code interfaces are great until they're not.”

Siglin说, “So, 澄清一下, while Norsk has been out for just a brief period of time, it's all based on code that was for bespoke projects for really big companies that Id3as did projects for.”

“So Id3as as a company launched in 2010,舒马赫-拉斯穆森说. “It was a consultancy building live streaming systems for the likes of 汤森路透(Thomson Reuters),后来成为 纳斯达克,后来成为 通知. 我们为 DAZN, 数据执行, Limelight,现[叫] Edgio.” He says that about four years ago, the company decided to take that expertise and productize it. “Norsk allows you to buy something that helps you more easily build exactly what you want.”


Siglin asks, “What are you seeing as trends for the next six months or so? 当我们出现在 IBC, what do you expect we'll see in the industry?”

Schumacher-Rasmussen thinks there is a trend towards no-code solutions, though there is still a ways to go until that trend reaches maturity. “Things that we thought had changed and already been adopted in, 假设, 2010, really don't get adopted by the market until much later,他说. “And so I think no-code will be slowly on the rise. 我们仍然会讨论延迟.”

“At the end of the day with low-code or no-code, is the idea to allow somebody who isn't a streaming expert to set up the production?西格林问道.

“对,没错,”舒马赫-拉斯穆森说. “You need to be a developer to use Norsk, or to be at least a power user of Norsk. 但你不需要成为视频工程师. You don't need to know on a deep level what's going on in the codecs or what's going on in the protocols.”



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