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视频正在成为品牌的优先投资,这是一个公开的秘密. 最近的一次 Cloudinary调查 网络开发者、市场营销人员和商业领袖都证实了这一点:

  • 81% intend to increase video integration on their websites and mobile apps in the future.
  • 78%的人认为视频在建立消费者信任和信心方面发挥了作用
  • 65%的人使用视频来提高市场知名度
  • 54%的人认为视频对推动购买的影响是最大的好处

加大视频投资的理由很清楚. 典型的互联网用户花费 增加88%的时间 在有视频的网站上比在没有视频的网站上. It also directly impacts sales and revenue: adding a video to a landing page can 提高你的转化率 高达86%.


The catch is that many brands also tend to face substantial difficulties navigating post-production workflows efficiently. 这实在不容易管理, 丰富, adapt and customize videos for every use case and deliver optimized videos to any channel and viewer context.

事实上, 品牌遇到 创建视频变体的更多瓶颈 for different channels and devices (58%) than in producing original videos (46%). 四分之一的人报告说,他们在发布视频时面临着长时间的拖延, 75%的人说他们需要几个小时或几天的时间来发布他们的视频.

This is all exacerbated by the fact that one third of the respondents reported that their teams struggled with a general lack of knowledge around the technical best practices needed to try and improve these obstacles organically.


The good news is that you can solve these challenges by automating as much of your video workflow as possible.  我最喜欢的一些创新包括:


Repurposing a longer video into short summarized versions is a great way to earn clicks to the full video on your website or to use as an eye-catching teaser on social media. 然而, manually editing and creating these summaries or previews can be highly resource intensive. 与人工智能, you can automatically generate summaries or previews based on the most compelling parts of the full video. All you need to do is identify the preview duration and number of segments you want to include.


在你的营销中添加字幕, 生活方式, and/or explainer videos can vastly improve user engagement and accessibility - it can also take a long time to create them for every video. AI-based speech-to-text transcription can automate the process of creating transcripts and using them to generate subtitles and even localizing them for global audiences. 类似的, AI can automatically separate longer-form videos into chapters with relevant titles to help users navigate to their priority segment and help your team ID the most relevant clips for various use cases. 


The aspect ratio of a video may not always be optimal for the platform or device being used to view it. 例如, 在社交媒体应用上制作适合手机的视频, 您可能希望将其修剪为方形或垂直宽高比. 手动为每个资产执行此操作是非常乏味的, 但你现在可以用人工智能来自动裁剪, 调整, and focus on specific elements within a video for optimal viewing on any device and channel.


The ability to make your static images come to life with dynamic video-like effects presents an incredible opportunity for brands to get started with video, and it’s a great option for repurposing your existing assets while building out the video use case. AI can detect the critical objects in the original image and produce a derivative video asset that delivers the same message in a more engaging format.


Selecting the optimal format and quality for every asset for every user context is near impossible to do manually, 但关键是要减少文件大小, 改善页面加载时间, 并提高核心网络的重要性. 短视频, 渐进式下载将视频直接嵌入到页面上, 不再需要视频播放器, 减少页面重量, 提高页面性能. 更长的视频, 跟着ABR走, which enables you to deliver videos instantly without buffering using on-the-fly encoding and automatic format and quality selection.


Accurately tagging video assets is crucial for ensuring those videos can be found and used in any campaign in which they’re relevant, 但是手工操作会花费大量的时间和百家乐软件. 而不是, you can use AI tools to automatically and instantly analyze each scene and suggest relevant tags.


在一起, these innovative tools can automate and streamline video workflows from creation to delivery, 提高效率,推动更高的转化率. 重要的是, they also allow your technical teams to focus on more strategic and valuable initiatives.

通往高视频ROI的道路是由高效率铺就的, enabled by automations that not only simplify video post-production workflows but also ensure consistency and quality across all channels.

人工智能的力量只会从这里扩展, brands that invest in these capabilities will be better positioned to meet the growing demand for video content - and achieve the highest returns on their investments.

[编者注:这是来自 Cloudinary. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


观众对高质量4K视频内容的需求直线上升, and there is an expectation that 8K video will also surge in the coming years. 然而, 随着分辨率的提高,文件大小也会大得多, which is challenging for media providers because of the increased storage and processing power needed. 自然,媒体公司正在寻找更有效地处理视频的方法. Frank Schönberger of MainConcept explores how content providers and video services leverage technological developments in video compression and AI to improve efficiency at every stage of the broadcast workflow, 从捕获点到交付给最终用户.

Streaming Wars: End-to-End Quality Assurance and Video Analysis Gives Streaming Service Providers the Upper Hand

The battle for audience retention continues to intensify in the highly competitive streaming realm. Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems highlights the critical role that end-to-end quality assurance, 介质质量监控, and in-depth video analysis play in meeting the escalating demands of today's video consumers and why the role of these processes is becoming more crucial than ever.


Telestream的Joel Daly讨论了时移观看的兴起, 提醒服务提供商注意图像质量监控方面的挑战, 并使他们跟上有助于解决这些问题的技术进步的速度.