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With more consumers choosing to upgrade their viewing experience by switching to 4K TVs and compatible streaming devices, 对高质量4K视频内容的需求不断增长. High resolution 4K video content provides viewers with sharper images and greater clarity and detail, 哪一种能增强整体观看体验. 虽然4K才刚刚成为电视的行业标准, 8K电视已经上市, and consumers can even get a taste of what 16K ultra-high definition is like at music and entertainment venues such as the Sphere in Las Vegas. 消费者向高分辨率内容的转变似乎是不可避免的.

然而, 随着内容分辨率的提高, 文件大小也是如此, 这给媒体供应商带来了一些挑战. 首先,随着文件大小的增加,它们占用了更多的存储空间. Next, the bigger the video file, the more bandwidth is needed to transport it. Additionally, more time and processing power is needed for tasks such as encoding and rendering. There are of course operational and cost implications arising from each of these issues, so it’s not surprising that media companies are looking for ways to mitigate operational challenges, 减少额外成本, 通过提高视频处理效率. Technological developments in video compression techniques will undoubtedly play a key role in this endeavor. 


The rising demand for higher resolution video has simultaneously created a need for more efficient ways to compress data. 结果是, 近年来,视频压缩技术取得了长足的进步, enabling media companies to compress video files to a much more manageable size, 不损失质量.

一个典型的例子是编解码器HEVC/H.265(高效视频编码), which was developed largely in response to the demand for ultra-high-definition 4K and 8K content. With much more advanced algorithms than traditional compression standards, HEVC allows for 4K and 8K content to be compressed extremely efficiently. It is 25-50% more efficient at compressing data than its predecessor, AVC/H.264(高级视频编码), which is generally considered to be the leading standard for video compression. 用HEVC编码的结果是更小的文件和更低的比特率, 这有助于降低存储成本和带宽需求, 同时达到最好的质量.

更先进的是VVC/H.266 (Versatile Video Coding) which provides better compression efficiency than HEVC, 在最大化视觉质量的同时. Encoding with VVC reduces file sizes more than HEVC which helps to further reduce storage requirements. 它还将比特率要求降低了50%, so an 8K video with a bitrate of 80 Mbps can be encoded in VVC and reduced to 40 Mbps. 像这样, it’s particularly well suited to live streaming high-resolution 8K and still even4K today, 同时为未来的16K视频内容做好准备. 虽然仍处于起步阶段, VVC is expected to begin to move into commercial workflows over the coming year. 通过采用更有效的压缩标准, media companies can compress high-resolution content into much smaller files 不损失质量, which goes a long way toward mitigating the challenges posed by escalating file sizes.


Although these advanced codecs can deliver much more efficient compression than established standards, they do require substantially more processing power and time for the encoding process to complete. 这在某些用例中比其他用例更重要. 不像点播内容,编码速度不是问题, 比如体育或新闻直播, 压缩过程的速度是一个重要的考虑因素. 为了向观众提供近乎实时的内容, 广播公司和内容提供商需要高效的实时编码, 这又需要大量的计算能力. 最大限度地提高操作效率, media companies need the ability to scale up computing power as and when needed. The cloud can provide the required scalability so it’s therefore worth utilizing it where it makes sense to.

同时采用基于云的工作流, many companies are starting to attach AI descriptions to their offerings. 随着技术的发展, there’s little doubt that true AI and Machine Learning will enter the market to enable more efficient video processing and higher levels of automation throughout the entire workflow. A number of technology companies are already exploring AI-based video compression, and it’s likely that we’ll see AI making some major waves in video compression over the coming years.

4K, 8K和更高

The gradual evolution of consumer preferences towards higher resolution content is undoubtedly fueling the need for more efficient video processing. 随着消费者接受4K, 8K, 及以后, media companies will need to leverage developments in video compression technology, 以及云工具和服务, 以减轻不断升级的文件大小带来的挑战, 并使视频处理更有效. 随着人工智能技术的发展, that too will likely allow media companies to make further efficiency gains. 视频压缩是广播工作流程中不可分割的一部分, and technological developments in this area have paved the way for the broadcast industry to produce and distribute high-quality content to viewers worldwide. 视频压缩技术在不断发展和改进, 看看接下来会发生什么将是令人兴奋的.

[编者注:这是来自 MainConcept. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer Talks AI, Codecs, and Patent Pools

At 纽约流媒体 2024, Tim Siglin interviews Jan Ozer of the Streaming Learning Center. Ozer discusses how the Streaming Learning Center has expanded into a platform offering courses on streaming-related topics to help technical people in the industry become familiar with terms, 技术, 最佳实践, 和工具. 他还谈到了机器学习, 向神经编程单元(npu)的转变, and the legal and financial implications of choosing a codec due to potential patent infringements.


到2024年,AVC离过时有多近, with AV1 and other more efficient and increasingly well-established "emerging" codecs like VP9 and HEVC on the rise? Meta的Hassene Tmar, Netflix的安德烈·诺金说, AMD的肖恩·加德纳, and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin weigh in during this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


约翰·C. 席梦思床品公司, 约翰·西蒙斯咨询公司的首席工程师, 有限责任公司, 讨论流媒体的专利许可, which is especially relevant now in light of the recent German court decision in the Broadcom v. Netflix case and Avanci's announced launch of a video streaming patent pool.

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