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Why the 2024 Olympics Are a Bigger Opportunity for Advertisers Than Ever


奥运会 代表了广告活动的绝对顶峰. Exciting, triumphant, 和 inspiring, there’s simply no other shared TV experience quite like it. 而在2024年,尤其是美国.S. 广告商们,机会从未如此丰富过.

的re are plenty of stats available to demonstrate that Olympics ad dollars are always dollars well spent. 例如, 我们知道做奥运会广告的广告商 generate +42 higher message memorability than they do in other programming, 和 that 观众 are +47 percent more likely to search for an advertiser they saw in the Olympics vs. 其他竞争性电视节目. That’s based on advertiser success coming out of the Summer Games in Tokyo—和 there’s even more reason for advertiser optimism this year. 这是为什么.


的 timing of the Paris 2024 Olympics couldn’t be better—in more ways than one. 过去两届奥运会, 在东京和北京, 我们真的绕了半个地球, presenting a massive time difference that made live viewing challenging for the average American. 在巴黎,时区的变化要小得多.

For European audiences, most events will likely be scheduled during daytime 和 evening hours. 供北美观众观看, the time difference means that many events will be broadcast in the morning or midday. 这些天——没错, post-COVID, when so many people are working from home offices or on flexible work schedules—daytime has become the new primetime. That means advertisers will have the opportunity to reach significant, high-value audiences with their live event advertising 和 sponsorships.

大屏幕 多屏幕

在线性规划方面, 全国广播公司将有超过240小时的奥运会原创报道, 而东京为204人, 与1相比,这只是沧海一粟,250+ hours of original coverage across cable networks—including 24/7 coverage on USA. 日间节目将对事件进行现场直播, 而黄金时段则会重播当天最精彩的赛事.

就像现在所有的电视节目一样, we can expect to see a lot of multiscreen viewing behaviors around the Olympics, particularly when it comes to people who are on the go or sharing highlights with friends. 因为这个原因, advertisers should plan to supplement their cable buys with cross-device 和 time-shifted inventory.

也就是说, advertisers shouldn’t discount just how big of a role the large screens in everyone’s living rooms will play when it comes to Olympics viewing. 夏季奥运会每四年才举办一次, 人们想要最好的观看体验. So yes, advertisers should think multiscreen—but that big-screen presence should remain the priority.


也, let’s not discount just how big of a win the destination of Paris will be for athletes, 观众, 广告商也一样. From beach volleyball at the Eiffel Tower Stadium to equestrian events at Château de Versailles, the backdrop of the Summer Olympics is going to be absolutely breath-taking. U.S. audiences will be more likely to travel to Paris for the games than they have in years past, 和 even those watching from their living rooms are going to be looking for content that lets them marinate in the Parisian sights 和 sounds. Advertisers have a tremendous opportunity to help 观众 feel as though they are a part of this magic.


同时, the 奥运会 are going to serve as a much-needed reprieve from what’s expected to be a particularly contentious 2024 election cycle in the U.S. 的 themes that underpin the Summer Games—stories of indomitable spirits, 民族自豪感, 和 global cooperation—are going to resonate like never before with audiences who are otherwise tired of political bickering 和 divisive campaign tactics. 广告商应该抓住机会,推动这种逃离, 伴随着乐观和团结的感觉.


最后, advertisers can expect to reach more diverse audiences than ever with their 2024 Olympics buys. 这在一定程度上是由于像滑板这样的新项目, 攀爬, 和冲浪, 以及《百家乐软件app最新版下载》在巴黎的首演.e.、霹雳舞一样). 此外,定于8月11日举行的残奥会也将同时举行. 28-Sept. 8, will also st和 out as an opportunity to connect with unique 和 highly engaged audiences. 

Heading into the 2024 奥运会, there’s plenty of reason for excitement. From the beauty 和 history of Paris to the desirable viewing times, 观众有望以前所未有的方式参与其中. 对于大大小小的广告商, there will be more ways than ever to connect with 观众 as they immerse themselves in history-in-the-making. Now is the time to be ensuring your br和 is ready to make the most of this unprecedented opportunity.

[编者注:这是来自 纽约互连网. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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