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IBC Unveils Lineup for 2024 Show, Promises Tweaks to Familiar Formula


IBC贸易展 又回到了几乎达到新冠疫情前的水平, 据组织者介绍, in an update given three months before the show on September 13-16 opens in its usual Amsterdam home. 

There are some tweaks to the familiar formula but perhaps not enough to galvanise anyone’s attention outside of the broadcast industry. 这就是IBC的目标, 虽然, with CEO Mike Crimp saying that the fastest growing area of the show were audiences working outside of traditional broadcasting.

“IBC is such a broad church and covers so much more than core broadcasting,他在新闻发布会上说. “IBC originated as International Broadcasting Convention but it’s been clear to us for some time that content is being consumed and delivered in a number of ways. Going back 15 years we decided to be agnostic about that. The idea of content everywhere was to pull in people who maybe didn't see their home immediately as broadcast, but certainly had an offering for the media and entertainment business  This is actually still the biggest growing area of the show.”


To cater to this audience, IBC is bringing back a hall dedicated to 内容无处不在. This is the Pavilion erected outside of the RAI which last housed exhibitors in 2019. In here, and in line with other exhibitions, there’s a specific AI Zone grouping together 人工智能的解决方案 供应商和演示/演示剧院. 这是由 如欲 由芥末酱赞助.

“AI is one of the biggest expanding areas of the industry, and I feel we will see it grow up a bit at IBC with real world examples moving on from the machine learning seen in the past,褶边说. Elsewhere at the show there will be a conference panel devoted to tackling fake news and fact checking and in the IBC Accelerator section, 一个为科技创意的众筹网站, there’s a proposal by Paramount Global and the BBC titled "Design Your Weapons in the Fight Against Dis信息."

AV /广播收敛

注意到AV与广播的收敛性, and for the first time IBC seems to have gone out of its way to court giant corporate AV users. It has invited executives from the likes of AstraZeneca, 联合包裹, 巴克莱银行, 英格兰银行, Deliveroo, and Schroeders to a “speed pitch event” with IBC exhibitors.

“Exhibitors have the opportunity to promote their products and events directly to those major AV purchasers,克里普解释道. “What's different about them is they're not the typical broadcast or media entertainment companies you'd see at IBC. We’re seeing more buyers coming into IBC who are looking at, what we would consider standard broadcast technologies being used in innovative ways across the corporate sector.”

He said the development reflects the growing professional audio visual presence in M&E. So-called AV Broadcast is being used by enterprise-level customers to produce and stream at broadcast quality for live and virtual and corporate events. Other content plus tech trends dominating the industry are 免费广告支持电视(FAST) 渠道与夏季 现场直播的体育 so it’s not a surprise that both of these also feature prominently.

例如, there will be a look back the Olympics and the technology used to deliver it, provided we are not all fed up with Olympic content by then.

eSports (which will be an official Olympic event in LA 2028) makes another appearance in the form of a Hall 8 showcase in partnership with specialists 解锁.

史蒂文·康诺利, IBC的销售主管和展会总监, claimed “exceptional demand” for show space and reported that 45,000 sq ft had already been taken – surpassing the total for the whole 2023 show. That’s from 1,100 exhibitors across 14 halls, which is one more than 2023. There are 150 new exhibitors signed so far including 5G Broadcast Collective, CDN联盟, Datacamp, Eosos, 频网络, Medianet柏林, 道路, SwXch IO, 和Vubiquity. 其他包括Insta360, 长袍, 天气公司, Vecima, and Yamaha return to the RAI for the first time since before the pandemic.

All other regular exhibitors are present including Avid, AWS, 康卡斯特公司, 谷歌, 草谷, 谐波, 华为. 想象通信, LG, 朗沃, Mediakind, 微软, Nagra, 松下, 索尼, 三星, 塔塔通信, Telestream, 和中兴.

会议发言人包括Chem Assayag, 家庭服务创新高级副总裁, Orange; Kerry Ball, 首席商务 & Strategy Officer, BritBox International; Sachin Dev Duggal, Founder of AI platform 构建器.ai, 呼玛卢迪, 首席机器学习工程师, 英国的天空, 和安迪·胡德, VP Emerging Technologies at WPP with more to be announced.

If you have to pay for the conference than it will cost over EUR1000 (USD1074) if you pay now. 自IBC2023年以来,吸引了43人,065, no bookie will take odds on this year surpassing that, 虽然他们可能会接受你50的赌注,000名游客. 相比之下, 美国NAB Show则有61人上榜,000 people through its doors in April and the AV-centric ISE show in February this year scored 73,891名参观者,并有一个主题演讲 星球大战 导演.

Connolly说, "There is already a very positive buzz around the exhibition this year — visitors to IBC2024 will see exciting demos and get the chance to meet an increasingly wide array of innovative brands from across the media technology landscape. With the introduction of the AV User Group event, IBC continues to broaden its scope and provide more opportunities for both exhibitors and visitors."

流媒体欧洲是一个 IBC 2024媒体合作伙伴.  

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