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What are hybrid streaming environments and how do large-scale streamers and broadcasters manage workloads and divide tasks between cloud and on-prem infrastructure? Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体,与解决方案架构师Loke Dupont, TV2和媒体首席技术官安迪·比奇 & 娱乐,全球,微软,这段视频来自 流媒体连接2023.

克雷费兹问杜邦, “如果你有一个混合环境, 你(在那种)环境下具体在做什么?”

杜邦表示:“这在一定程度上取决于你如何定义混合动力车. “It can mean that you're doing some things on-premise and some things in the cloud, or it could mean that you're doing the same workload on-premise and in the cloud.他进一步分析了TV2是如何管理混合赛事的. “所以我们是一家广播公司,”他说. “(我们的)工作流程主要在内部运行. 这项技术的更新需要一段时间, and a lot of it is a number of years old and wasn’t designed with the cloud in mind. 也, 许多工作负载用于生产, 而且广播节目的制作非常容易在本地运行. You don't have any bursty loads, you don't have a lot of customers accessing that at any given time.”

Dupont provides an example of one of TV2’s primary services and how it poses different delivery challenges compared to their broadcast production workloads. “我们直接面向消费者的产品,”他说 T2玩, runs in a cloud environment because it has a lot of that usage that is very bursty in nature. You'll have a lot of people watching if there's some sort of sports event going on that will bring a lot of viewers in. It could be that there's a news event that triggers a lot of people to watch our news channel. Those things come with a much higher load in the peak periods than in the slower periods. In terms of the news, that also brings a lot of load that's not necessarily predictable. 你可以预测我们什么时候有体育赛事, 但是新闻事件, 比如新冠病毒和政府停摆, 几乎没有任何警告, 而我们无法为此做好准备. 当这些事件发生时,我们必须能够吸引所有的观众, and those workarounds tend to run in the cloud where we have access to more capacity that we can utilize at short notice.”

“好吧,容量和爆发力,”克雷费兹说. 致微软的安迪·比奇, 她说, “Tell us about what you are seeing because you've got media and entertainment clients all over the world, 你对这个问题也有自己的看法.”

“洛克说得完全正确,”比奇说. “It’s in workloads where you can't plan for it, such as a big news event or a natural disaster. (然后),冲到云端是完全合理的. The other side of that coin is that for those sports events where you have known peaks and valleys to things, 你仍然不想过度设计基础设施. 换句话说,你不会站起来 超级碗的 worth of infrastructure to drive your daily workloads because you know that your capacity will sit idle. 同样的百家乐软件,你需要5个才能得到15%. And so it makes sense to design something where you can deploy it in an environment that is not yours – a cloud of some sort – and burst and utilize the resources there. 等大事结束了, you can pull back the resources that you're using to something more manageable for your day-to-day work.”

了解有关实时流分发工作负载的更多信息,请参见 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


太频繁, 在混合型活动中,非现场参加者被视为事后的想法, 哪里所有的重点都在房间里的观众身上. But drawing in the remote audience and recognizing the importance of doing so is critical. Innovative strategies abound for drawing in remote viewers and creating more compelling experiences; Stream4Us' Anthony Burokas, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 和霍华德 & Associates' Andy Howard offer some best practices to best engage remote viewers in hybrid events.


As streaming has moved through the pandemic years into a new normal that isn't exactly what anyone expected, the meaning of hybrid event streaming production and delivery that has emerged over the last few years continues to evolve. So what does it mean in 2023, for producers, organizations, and audiences, both onsite and remote? And what can streamers do to level the playing field for those participating from near and far? 这段视频来自他们最近在2023年流媒体连接上的小组讨论, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 俄亥俄州立大学的德里克·弗里曼, 波士顿25新闻的本·拉特纳报道, Stream4us的Anthony burrokas说道, 和霍华德 & Associates' Andy Howard discuss best definitions and best practices for hybrid event video in 2023.


Are hybrid meetings the new normal for corporate communications, presentations, and training? EY's Waseem Ahmad and LinkedIn's Dan Swiney discuss the future of hybrid events and the technical challenges involved in getting there in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


The biggest problem with hybrid events is focusing entirely on the on-site audience treating the online/digital audience like an afterthought. 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道, who's been producing virtual and hybrid events since well before the pandemic, and Social180Group's John Porterfield provide indispensable tips on how to avoid falling into that trap, and fully integrating digital audiences into the event experience in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


With so many virtual event platforms available today, which one is right for your events? 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道 and BC Live's Dan Houze pull no punches when assessing what the current crop of platforms get wrong, 他们怎样才能做得更好, and how to avoid the common pitfalls of producing virtual and hybrid events that don't pass muster in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


How can enterprise streamers produce and deliver high-engagement and high-reliability hybrid events that serve their streaming audiences as effectively as their on-site participants? 答案是艺术和科学, 策略, 和技术, as LinkedIn's Dan Swiney and MediaPlatform's Mike Newman discuss in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


今天的混合赛事怎么了? 远程参会者的QoE在哪里? 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道 and BC Live's Dan Houze diagnose the problem and prescribe the solution in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.
