
How CBS Sports Approaches Cloud vs. On-Prem Streaming Workflows

流工作流和架构的大多数基本元素正在向云迁移. But according to Corey Smith, Sr. Director, Advanced Production Technology, CBS Sports Digital, Paramount, 驱动流工作流开发的根本问题不应该是我们如何将这个或那个流程迁移到云上, but what will serve the production and the viewer best. He and Magnus Svensson, Media Solution Specialist, Eyevinn Technology请在这段流媒体连接2024片段中进一步讨论这个话题.


Smith强调,迁移到云的决定应该基于业务的准备和信心. “很多更高级别的赛事仍将主要围绕卡车世界展开,因为这是信心所在,” he says. “That's where people feel like they can walk into a truck, and it's the very same show they did last year.”

Since cloud remains an emerging tech, 在大规模的远程集成模型(REMI)环境中,没有将基于云的工作流大力推进, such as the Super Bowl or the Masters Tournament. “Within five years, maybe we're doing 165 cameras switching in cloud, but I don't know that the tech evolution is quite there yet,” he says. “At least in the sports side here at Paramount, (我们)利用云技术来做分销包装.”

史密斯指着身后的大屏幕说,正在显示的是“一个百分之百的数字线性网络”. 所以唯一进入这个网络的直播节目基本上是我们的演播室节目, 无论是来自欧洲供应商的现场比赛,还是来自卫星的比赛,这些都在某个时候被转换到我们基于云的工作流程中. So, as we have these studio and desk shows, 他们只是为云原生的基础播放和分发基础设施提供贡献. 因此,我们能够承担的事情是大规模控制和超越操作, as we continue to build these hybrid workloads, is to focus on things like, do we need craft edit in the facility anymore? Can we actually migrate our asset management system to cloud? We've already proven with Zixi and other providers out there, [that] the stream aspect, the packaging of that – whether it's going to YouTube or Twitch 或者是别人的频道——所有这些东西已经存在了近十年或更久.”

Ultimately, Smith reiterates that at this point in time, cloud technology should augment existing environments, not replace them, 而且有些任务仍然更适合地面生产.

请参阅流媒体连接2024年2月的完整节目视频 here.

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