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The best thing about choosing our annual list of 流媒体 All-Stars is realizing just how far online video has come since we selected our inaugural team in 2008. 那时候——是的, 整整五年前,这个名单上的人大多是老专业人士, veterans who’d helped establish online video in its early days and were already widely acknowledged as the industry’s pioneers. 
每一年,这份名单上都有一些不太知名但同样重要的名字. 仍然有一些老前辈,他们可能没有他们的前任那么出名,但他们, 总是, 在推动在线视频的发展方面,你是否做得和那些一直占据头条新闻的人一样多. 但也有很多新来者, 从创业公司、广播和企业领域来到在线视频的人.
无论他们的背景如何, the members of this year’s 流媒体 All-Star team share the same passion for communicating via online video. 他们不仅创新了技术和实践, 但他们正在与我们分享他们的知识. 后一种特征——冠军的特征, 的传教士, 而老师,才是真正让他们与众不同的.
一如既往地, we’ve asked each of our All-Stars a handful of questions; their responses tell you not just about them, 而是关于我们行业的现状和发展方向:
  • 你最自豪的成就是什么?
  • 你正在做的“下一件大事”是什么?
  • 现在网络视频最大的趋势是什么?
  • 行业面临的最大挑战是什么?


数字工作流程技术; 维亚康姆公司. 
  • 美国在线/赫芬顿邮报直播经理
  • 直播主管,NX流媒体
我想说,创办《百家乐软件》直播频道是我迄今为止最自豪的职业成就. Building not only the live streaming infrastructure to support a 24x7 live stream from two studios on opposite coasts, but also building a production workflow based around an online social community was a wonderful experience. 选举之夜,我终于意识到这将是新闻的未来. 人们愿意离开电视去看突发新闻, 他们想要加入自己的声音.
听起来很简单, 我想关注的“下一件大事”是最大化实时编码的效率. 研究更有效的方法将视频信号从a点传输到B点. 还可以最大限度地利用带宽和百家乐软件,并将更多的重新包装推向云端.
I think we are seeing more and more live "premium content" going online and we are starting to see online content as not just a place to view "second screen" or "behind the scenes" content but a place to consume primary content. 去年,我有幸与Bowery Presents合作 & YouTube将推出一个专注于直播内容的频道. It was great to see productions such as Bon Iver live from Radio City Music Hall produced entirely with the online audience as the primary focus. As the average home bandwidth increases and more and more people are getting used to viewing video on their computers/phones/tablets/OTT boxes…etc there is a whole new market of great content being produced exclusively for these audiences.
我认为我们行业面临的最大挑战是编码 & 交付. 消费者 & advertisers demand content on every device but device makers are all working off of different standards and ideas of what works best. 它进行编码 & 交付是一场持续的斗争. 似乎每年都是同样的挑战, 我希望我们的行业最终能够开始标准化,因为DASH成为一个真正可行的选择.


首席执行官 & 创始人之一, 元素科技有限公司. 
Pixelworks, Inc . IC设计工程师.
好吧, 说服我的妻子阿德里安娜嫁给我可不是件容易的事, 然后她也承担起了为我们生孩子的责任,但是是在工作环境中, 我最自豪的是我们有幸在Elemental组建了这个了不起的团队. 我相信这里的人喜欢每天来上班, 很兴奋, 动机, 并且有机会与世界级的同事一起工作.
在Elemental,我们相信在不久的将来, 所有视频都将通过IP网络传输, 而不是传统的视频传输系统. 然而, 多种视频传输方式将共存多年, 所以我们正在利用我们基于软件的, gpu加速架构,优化任何视频网络的传输. This processing convergence will let Elemental Live and Elemental Server systems deliver the highest-quality video to any device, 无论是在传统网络上还是在OTT IP连接上.
超越视频处理基础设施的融合,HEVC/H.265压缩在不久的将来会非常重要. 这个新的压缩标准将提供与AVC/H质量相似的视频流.264 -一半比特率. 随着HEVC的推出, 它将显著改善在低带宽网络(如移动)上的视频观看体验。, and also enable previously unheard of experiences like watching Ultra HD/4K streams over IP connections. HEVC implementations will undoubtedly be rolled out over IP connections and multiscreen devices initially, so for the first time in history the best video experiences will be available via OTT rather than traditional broadcast networks!
帮助我们的客户有效地将多屏幕内容货币化. Content owners and aggregators should be compensated as much for multiscreen viewing as they are for traditional linear broadcast viewing, 但今天的情况并非如此. 我们正在与苹果等流媒体技术合作伙伴一起解决这个问题, Adobe, and Microsoft as well as traditional and new entrant ad insertion solution providers that help media companies monetize content across all viewing devices. We are also spending a good amount of our resources in concert with DRM and watermarking technologies that help content owners ensure assets are protected and only delivered to intended recipients. 这是一个复杂的生态系统,Elemental代表我们的客户帮助导航.


系统整合及营运经理 家庭票房公司.
  • Origin Digital和埃森哲高级解决方案工程师
  • ABC新闻广播系统专家
Consulting with some of the largest companies on the planet to architect complex live and on demand solutions.
HBO is working toward developing a file-based ingest and distribution system using AS02 and JPEG 2000.
为我们的订户提供最优质的服务, 给他们想要的, 他们何时以及如何想要, 所有这些都以最省时和最具成本效益的方式进行.


联合创始人兼首席技术官, Wowza媒体系统有限责任公司 
Adobe Systems, Inc .工程总监.
One of my proudest achievements has been taking Wowza Media Server from a simple remote video recording server to a full multi-protocol media server with Wowza’s primary focus on our customers’ success as both the driving force and guiding principle. Wowza Media Server的特性和功能非常广泛, 我为此感到自豪, 作为一家公司, we have been able to contribute to the development and evolution of online video as well as our customers' own growth and success. 我每天都惊讶于Wowza Media Server的广泛使用,以及它是如何在世界范围内被采用的. It's been exciting to see how customers can take this streaming software and use it in so many different ways, 但他们都有一个共同的目标,那就是发展自己的业务.
There are so many new things in the works that all add up to making online video easier and more engaging. Everything from on-the-fly video-on-demand transcoding to support for new streaming protocols such as MPEG-DASH is playing an important role in the development of content 交付. 我不认为有任何单一的“大事件”能够推动整个行业的发展. 而不是, it will be just the right combination of capabilities that embrace the broad uses for online video that will make video more compelling, 在不同的行业中更具移动性和可用性.
我看到的最大趋势是,视频每天都在以新的、“非传统”的方式被使用. 更多的 and more industries are starting to see the value in integrating online video into their business. From video cameras in nursery schools so parents can check up on their children to video cameras on military vehicles to capture the fighting on the front line, 在线视频正在渗透到整个互联空间. 当我们创造更容易, 更简单的, 更强大的流媒体解决方案, 我预计在线视频的使用将会增加.
这个行业仍然存在太多的分歧. MPEG-DASH和通用加密是创建标准和强制融合的伟大尝试, 但这些标准需要时间才能产生积极影响.


执行副总裁, Bravo数字媒体, nbc环球 
  • nbc环球布拉沃数字媒体高级副总裁 
  • NBC新闻副总裁(《百家乐软件》、《百家乐app下载》和《百家乐软件》的执行主管)
  • NBC日线节目高级制片人
  • Katie Couric(日期线)和Diane Sawyer(黄金时间)的制片人
  • 独立故事片和纪录片制片人/导演
将Bravo数字媒体打造成一家推动创新和变革的成功企业, 并以取悦粉丝和广告商的互动体验引领市场.
从电视新闻主管过渡到新边疆和荒野, 狂野西部的数字世界, 证明如果有机会,它是可以重新创造和重新定义的.
We just launched a new interactive product called “Play Live” which allows fans to engage with a show in real-time from their phones or tablets simply by logging onto a URL. I think the future lies in giving consumers fun and engaging experiences and utilities that also are easy to use.
在布拉沃, we’re into transmedia storytelling – giving fans a chance to experience a story across multiple platforms, 无论是视频, 社交或互动. The progress we’re making in targeting users and content will make the storytelling experience even deeper and meaningful over time.
一种通过分发和窗口有效地将优秀内容货币化的方法, 与此同时,让它对用户和盈利业务有利的同时,也在不断挑战我们.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


It's time once again to celebrate the people who made our industry great in the past year and continue to drive innovation. 介绍10位流媒体全明星的新入选者!


第四届流媒体全明星颁奖典礼, 这是今年对我们行业影响最大的15位最优秀、最聪明的人.
