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Clients who produce live 事件s frequently ask me to also provide alternate feeds to Facebook Live and occasionally to YouTube Live. 通常, my implementation has the initial outbound stream from the live venue published to a streaming server that pushes the stream from the server to a specific Facebook destination such as a timeline, 集团, 事件, 或页面. Here’s a short list of some of the questions/ issues I consider when prepping to stream in a social media context.


If you only require a single live feed for your Facebook audience, 原生应用将是最有效的解决方案. Facebook Live有一些很棒的功能, and there are free alternatives such as Open Broadcaster Software, 可以在 obsproject.com.

When my clients want to push a live stream to multiple outlets but we have limited outbound bandwidth at the 事件 venue, 我使用 Wowza流媒体引擎 (WSE)来处理实时流的所有路由. Many of my clients have existing Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) ingest workflows that use WSE. Adding a stream target for Facebook Live allows you to automatically publish specific stream IDs to a Facebook Live destination. In my onsite workflow, the output from my camera or video mixer feeds to an RTMP-based H.264 hardware encoder such as the Teradek Cube, AJA HELO, or similar device. This device then pushes the live stream to a WSE server instance. This server can provide a direct stream to my client’s web or mobile apps, 以及处理Facebook Live的输出. 服务器作为中间人, I only need enough bandwidth to route one stream to the server, which has more than enough bandwidth allocation to route SD and HD streams to multiple locations.


I test the available bandwidth at the venue as much as possible to determine the highest bitrate and quality I can push to Facebook Live. One handy feature of Facebook’s native publishing tools is that you can enable HD Upload in your user or application settings of the mobile app. HD Upload automatically replaces the recorded live stream on Facebook with a higher-quality version stored locally on your device. This version is uploaded after you end the live stream and post to the page. All of the viewer commentary and feedback is kept intact during the swap.

You can accomplish similar results with third-party publishing tools by removing the archived Facebook version of the live 事件 and posting your own edit from locally recorded sources, but you’ll lose the commentary from the original live stream recorded by Facebook.


Unless you are the regular administrator for a Facebook destination, 你需要和你的客户安排访问. Do not ask for their own private credentials for their Facebook account. A far more secure route is to have them add your Facebook account to their page, 集团, 或者事件设置, 并提供投寄特权. 稍后,您的客户端可以删除您的访问权限.


Some 事件s I’ve worked on have played copyrighted music over the PA system during breaks, 演讲者介绍, 或者颁奖典礼. While you probably can stream uninterrupted to Facebook during the live 事件, it’s likely that Facebook’s automation systems will detect the copyrighted music in the audio channel in post-processing and will not allow the content to be archived on Facebook. Work with your client early to make sure royalty-free music is used during any live-stream push.

Working through these topics with your client in advance of a live 事件 will ensure that expectations are met and that you can deliver the best-quality viewing experience during the live feed and for archived content as well.

[本文发表于2017年9月号。 流媒体杂志 作为“更好的Facebook直播体验的建议”."]

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