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教程:BorisFX Continuum完成10

In this tutorial we'll look at BorisFX Continuum Complete 10 (BCC 10), the latest version of Boris's popular collection of professional plug-ins from BorisFX

In this tutorial we’ll look at BorisFX Continuum Collection 10 (BCC 10), the latest version of Boris’s popular collection of professional plug-ins from BorisFX. BCC 10现在可用于Premiere Pro和After Effects. 有些插件是After Effects所独有的, but we're going to limit this tutorial to what you can do in Premiere Pro.


对于我的样本素材, I’m using some kayaking footage that I shot a couple of years ago; it works pretty well for a lot of the filters and transitions that I’ll demonstrate in this tutorial. 我们将在教程视频中探索BCC 10中的几个关键效果, 以及如何在Premiere Pro中调整和自定义它们.

例如,使用Lens Flare 3D效果应用于 图1(下面),您会注意到一系列可定制选项. You can tweak and tweak until it doesn't look anything like a lens flare if you really want to.

图1. 一个皮划艇剪辑与镜头耀斑3D效果应用. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

Every BCC 10 plugin has its own interface with the buttons highlighted in 图1. LOAD和SAVE用于加载和保存您自己的预设, which you can share with others if you have a storage area network or other server and you have several different editors sharing visual effects. Your editors can access them through this interface so that if somebody makes a preset that you really like, 他们不需要把它放在你的电脑上. 你可以通过网络访问它.

The HELP button launches a help resource that’s offline in your browser, but it won’t just go to Boris Continuum Help and leave you to navigate to the information you need. 它实际上进入了你正在使用的插件的帮助部分. 如果我在制作这个效果的时候点击HELP, Boris启动Lens Flare 3D Help, 如果我需要的话,可以很容易地找到帮助文件的其余部分. LICENSE CONTROL and PURCHASE pertain to the license that you've purchased (or maybe you haven’t purchased) for the plugins. 单击PREFERENCES可以打开OpenCL.

FX BROWSER is something unique to BCC that I really like; I’ll get into it in detail later in this tutorial.

点击“当前”, 你可以访问你所有的预设, including pre-made presets that come with BCC 10 and any you’ve created yourself, 通过下拉菜单 图2(下面).

图2. 当前可用于此效果的预设

The video tutorial explains in detail how I’ve customized this effect to get the look I want. It also shows how the lens flare changes--moving, flickering, glowing differently--over time. 当划桨穿过火炬时, there's a little bit of a flash; the glow expands in the center, 就好像船桨划破了太阳, 灯光透过船桨照进来. 你可以看到耀斑是如何与桨相互作用的 图3(下面). That was very easy to do without having to custom-animate the Lens Flare 3D effect with a bunch of keyframes. 我只是打开了几个选项,它就出现了.

图3. I was able to get the precise lens flare effect I wanted in this shot without keyframing any animation.


The next effect I want to show you uses the Planar Tracker found in Mocha, BorisFX在2014年底收购了哪家公司. Most of the effects that you can use in the Continuum set will have this Mocha button down at the bottom of the effect controls where you can click Launch Mocha to launch the Mocha interface. 你可以看到 图4(下面) 在Mocha中可以设置多少参数和控件. You can make in and out points to select only areas that you’re using in the clip; otherwise, 默认情况下, 它加载整个剪辑. Check the video tutorial to see how I used the tracking capabilities in this example.

Figure 4. 摩卡控制. Note the mask around the kayaker’s face created with the spline tools. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

After I’ve set your tracking parameters and keyframes to make sure the tracking works throughout the selected portion of my clip, BorisFX保存跟踪信息,所以我可以关闭这个界面. 你只需点击保存图标并关闭它, and the tracking information you entered is applied to that particular effect. Now I can apply that information to just about any effect I want and just say, “使用我在Mocha中创建的这个蒙版并遵循它.在这种情况下, I wanted to use what they call the Witness Protection effect and I wanted to use the mosaic effect, 而不是模糊. Blur would just be a standard blur and mosaic gives it a more of a pixelated appearance.

As far as the shape, I just choose PixelChooser because that’s what corresponds with Mocha (下面的图5). 它叫做PixelChooser/Mocha. Then under PixelChooser, you can also choose default shapes for the mask. 在这种情况下,我已经选择了摩卡样条, 但我可以选择一个默认的形状,比如鸡蛋, which is designed to closely approximate the shape of someone’s face so it gets you started in the right direction (图6,在图5下面).

图5和图6. 选择遮罩的形状和组成参数

我已经为这个皮划艇做了一个定制的面具. 你可以看到 图7(下面) that I have this nice blurry, pixelated face going through the rapids now.

图7. 模糊的脸.

保罗Schmutzler demonstrates how to add nighttime drama and excitement to mundane-looking daytime shots by applying and customizing effects found in Adobe Premiere Pro and BorisFX Continuum 2019.
键控技术的进步, 运动跟踪, and 360 video optimization drive new features into the Boris FX family of products