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泰勒Nesler writes about the streaming media industry as the 副主编 for 流媒体 and he covers arts, 文化, and entertainment topics for his digital publication INTERLOCUTOR 杂志. 他目前在纽约布鲁克林工作. 可以联系到他 泰勒.nesler@infotoday.com

SMNYC 2024: Grabyo's Clare Butler Talks Cloud Streaming Services and Pricing Models

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Grabyo's Clare Butler at 纽约流媒体 2024. She highlights that Grabyo is not geographically bound and caters to anyone working in the live space, 包括新闻广播员, 体育俱乐部, 娱乐制作人. She also emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of cloud solutions, noting that cloud technology is now at parity with on-prem solutions, offering features like instant replay and SCTE-35 ad insertions.
专题文章, 2024年6月05日发布


到2024年,AVC离过时有多近, with AV1 and other more efficient and increasingly well-established "emerging" codecs like VP9 and HEVC on the rise? Meta的Hassene Tmar, Netflix的安德烈·诺金说, AMD的肖恩·加德纳, and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin weigh in during this clip from 流媒体连接2024.
专题文章, 发布于2024年4月3日

How to Monitor Cloud-Based Low-Latency Streams at Scale

What is the essential monitoring checklist for maintaining efficiency, 弹性, and performance for large-scale low-latency streaming using cloud-based workflows? 杜比.io Director of Product Strategy and 2G Digital Post Optimization's Allan McLennan discuss the key components and tools for an effective live stream monitoring strategy in this clip from 流媒体 Connect.
专题文章, 2024年2月14日发布

How to Ensure 24/7 Streaming Asset Accessibility in the Cloud

One concern with migrating streaming infrastructure and content storage from on-prem to the cloud is ensuring that your content assets are just as accessible via remote data centers as when you had them all stored in physical proximity on-site. CBS体育节目科里·史密斯报道, signant的Rick Capstraw, Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, and IntelliVid Research's Steve Vonder Haar discuss the attendant challenges and how to overcome them in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.
专题文章, 发布于2024年2月7日


One of the popular arguments in favor of cloud migration for streaming producers concerns the economics of scalability. CBS体育的科里·史密斯报道, Intellivid Research的Steve Vonder Haar说, and Loke Dupont of TV2 in Denmark discuss the key benefits of moving to cloud streaming workflows in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.
专题文章, 2023年12月13日发布

云计算vs. On-Prem流媒体制作

Should all streaming production operations be shifting to the cloud to take advantage of the scalability, 灵活性, 以及云流工作流的经济效益? 或者说on-prem仍然有它的时间和位置吗? Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, 安永的Waseem Ahmad报道, and IntelliVid Research's Steve Vonder Haar debate the pros and cons of cloud vs. on-prem in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.
专题文章, 发布于2023年12月6日


太频繁, offsite attendees are treated as afterthoughts in hybrid events, 哪里所有的重点都在房间里的观众身上. But drawing in the remote audience and recognizing the importance of doing so is critical. Innovative strategies abound for drawing in remote viewers and creating more compelling experiences; Stream4Us' Anthony Burokas, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 和霍华德 & Associates' Andy Howard offer some best practices to best engage remote viewers in hybrid events.
专题文章, 发布于2023年10月4日


An inevitable question for any streaming strategy or workflow is "Will it scale?“当涉及到整合交互性时, 促进它, and delivering interactive experiences that are satisfying both for large-scale streaming audiences and the brands behind them, 这个问题比以往任何时候都更加关键. 在流媒体连接2023最近的一个小组中, B我是杰伊·科佩尔曼, 斗牛犬DM的John Petrocelli, and LiveX's Corey Behnke break down the problem and the challenges facing streamers and brands when it comes to making streaming interactivity is popular and profitable for all its stakeholders.
专题文章, 发布于2023年9月6日

Ai-Media's Matthew Mello Talks the Evolution of AI Captioning

Ai-Media's Matthew Mello talks with Tim Siglin about the evolution of AI captioning in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.
专题文章, 2023年6月28日发布

Blackmagic Design Talks With Marc Franklin 关于 Their Latest Cameras, Switchers, and Resolve

Bob Caniglia of Blackmagic Design talks with Marc Franklin about Blackmagic's latest cameras, 转换器, 并在NAB 2023的演讲中解决.
专题文章, 2023年6月21日发布

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